Touchpad controlled automatic chair
The goal of this project is to create an automatic office chair and enable the user to control its movement with an integrated touchpad. The chair will be able to move in any direction, as well as rotate in place. Most of the existing automatic wheeled chairs are designed to be used outdoors and are controlled with joysticks. We are planning to build a prototype of a totally different product which is intended for indoor use and is controlled with a touchpad. An indoor automatic chair should have smaller velocities and higher accuracy of control, and we believe that a touchpad might be a good interface, which we use everyday to control cursors on a laptop screen or to scroll down a webpage on a smartphone. After the hardware prototype is constructed, the next step will be to program and test the movement of the chair so that the user feels like sitting on and controlling an automated furniture, not an intimidating engineering project.
Hyungbin Jun, Project leader and mechanical/software engineer, Pratt, 2023
Hosung Kim, electrical/software engineer, Pratt, 2023
Archived Grant Project