Microscope Stage Replication
The Sherwood Lab approached us because they have large microscope stages that they use extensively in their lab. The stages that they use now are no longer being manufactured, so they wanted to see if we could make them at the Co-Lab. We were able to recreate them by cutting the acrylic on the Shopbot CNC and bending them with an acrylic bender.
Sherwood Lab—“The Sherwood lab uses the C. elegans nematode worm animal model system to explore cell-extracellular matrix interactions, particularly how cells invade though extracellular matrix to understand cancer metastasis. The stereomicroscopes shown are used to main C. elegans strains and set up genetic crosses. The plexiglass extensions on the stage of the microscope allows researches a more ergonomic platform to view and transfer worms.”

Isaac Rattey, SK Ashton
Co-Lab Pro Project