Co-Lab Summer Hours 2024
Happy Summer Semester!
During the Summer, the Co-Lab will be operating under reduced hours, which are broken down by location below:
updated on 5/13
Starting on 5/15, the TEC will be staffed between 10am to 6pm on weekdays, Noon to 5pm on Saturdays, and Noon to 6pm on Sundays.
Rubenstein Arts Center
The Rubenstein Arts Center will remain self-service throughout the summer.
Lilly Library
The Lilly Library location will be closed for renovations for the next 2 years. We will be opening a new location during this renovation - more info to come soon.
If any of our summer hours change, this post will be edited. You can also check our live staffed schedule for any the most up-to-date schedules or hours that might appear ad-hoc.